According to a survey by Scorpion and Dynata ,more than half of the people surfing the internet, 54% to be exact, now look through more search results than what used to be the case five years ago. Let’s explore what’s driving the shift in user behavior.

Do you often find yourself at a standstill when searching the Internet, having no idea where to click next? Does frustration get the best of you as you sort through website after website filled with irrelevant information? Read along to know why.

Are You the Only One Struggling with Search Engines?

You are certainly not alone; many users are now looking through more search results and going beyond the first page. Finding irrelevant search results, visiting websites filled with content well-crafted to rank well on search engines but futile for addressing the searched query, and determining the right keywords to get desired answers are a few reasons backing this shift.

Repeat Searches

Search engine frustration is real, with data highlighting that this sentiment exists globally.

One research unveiled that almost 30% of users feel compelled to repeat their search queries with modifications to find exactly what they want.

Keyword Similarity

Repeating searches when you have millions of web pages at your disposal in the fast-paced digital world doesn’t sit right with many users. Most people doing two successive repeat searches use keywords and phrases that are similar by 60% or more. It reveals how a single search didn’t give them the answers they wanted.

In fact, this is why people are skimming through 54% more search results now, and search engine frustration has become a recognized phenomenon.

Three Reasons Behind Search Engine Frustration

A survey of US search engine users discovered the three main reasons backing this frustration:

– Browsing through different search results to find the correct information: 26% .
– Figuring out the most appropriate search term to boost the accuracy of results: 22% .
– Accessing countless websites: 21% .

That’s not all, there’s more to it:

Low Ad Relevance

Now imagine if you were to search for a service and you didn’t have much time on your hands. Wouldn’t you want to just type in a few words, hit the click button, and find the best service around you to pop up on the first page of your search results?

To your dismay, if the businesses around you haven’t invested in PPC, Pay-Per-Click campaigns, or paid advertisements, you might have to spend more time than needed to find the services best suited for you.

More Time Consumption

People now spend 51% more time searching for online services than five years ago.

Effect of Businesses Using Search Engines for Ads and Sales

65% of small businesses and mid-size enterprises are investing in PPC campaigns to rank well on search engines and captivate new and more customers’ attention. If that car cleaning service at the corner of your street is not running its PPC campaign, you will have to browse through hundreds of results before you end up finding them. Google ads serve well the websites that are using it for sales generation only.

Search Engine Reliance for Services and Related Frustration

Users from the US, UK, France, and Germany all substantially rely on search engines to find and contact the local businesses around them, 77% exactly.

They are more likely to search for more results, repeat queries, and refine searches by adding location, in turn feeling more frustrated. Additionally, 16% report spending a lot more time if the local businesses haven’t maximized their sales using SEO strategies and ad services.

Final Thoughts

With more than half of internet users struggling with search results and driving a shift in user behavior, understanding the reasons behind it is critical for paving the way toward improving search engine algorithms/relevancy. It can also ensure a more satisfying and time-saving user experience.

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